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Welcome to the Captain.AI API! You can use our API to access Captain.AI API endpoints, which can get information on your stores, delivery drivers, and orders.

You can

  • create orders and delivery jobs
  • retrieve orders and delivery jobs
  • retrieve drivers for an account
  • cancel orders
  • automate orders preparation

Captain uses a REST protocol with methods GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE to interact with resources on Captain. All data is transmitted in JSON format.


  • Order - usually has one Delivery Job (can have multiple in the case of Redelivery) - has one Financial record - has one Recipient
  • Driver

Business Logic

Before using the API it's useful to understand the Captain ecosystem. Here’s a 60 second intro:

Captain is a platform that enables Drivers and Orders with DeliveryJobs to be managed. We have the following concepts:

  • Business
    • A Business is a financially independent organisation. A Business has a Business Owner and can have many Accounts (aka stores).
    • eg. A Business owner owns 3 Accounts in different parts of New York under the brand ‘Frank Sinatra Pizza’.
  • Account
    • You might know this as a Store / Hub / Base
    • There are two types of accounts - store or fleet, a single store would be a store type and a fleet of drivers delivering across many stores would be a account of kind 'fleet'
    • An account of kind 'store' is a single store where deliveries are picked up from and then delivered to Recipients.
    • Typically this would also be the base where the Drivers return after completing a group of Orders (aka deliveries).
    • Account has many Orders
  • Driver
    • Also known as Agent. These are the individual people who perform Delivery Jobs as part ofOrders
    • A driver performs Delivery Jobs as part of a TaskGroup consisting of multiple Tasks.
    • A Driver Profile always belongs to a single Account, however a single user (identified by email) can have multiple driver profiles (each profile belongs to a single account.
  • Job
    • Known as Job on Captain system
    • This belongs to an Order.
    • These are the deliveries made to Recipients. A Job is typically matched one to one with an Order. Sometimes an order can have many delivery jobs, e.g. in the case of a re-delivery.
    • The Delivery Job has a dropoff which is typically the recipients address.
  • Recipient
    • This is the recipient of the delivery, this is the end customer who receives the delivery. Each DeliveryJob / Order has a Recipient