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Accounts - List


This endpoint allows you to list all accounts you are authorized to access.


GET /v1/accounts/

Example Request

GET /v1/accounts/


Response Values

KeyTypeExample ValueDescription
uuidStringc99f9692429cA unique ID for the given account.
default_promised_delivery_minutesInteger or null60The default promised delivery minutes for the account
friendly_nameStringChocoFA friendly name
kindStringstorefleet or store
partners_external_identifierStringPOSKing-224a specific external id assigned by the Partner creating the store
fleet_account_uuidString or nulle96043b3d8d6The uuid of the fleet (account) if this account belongs to one

Example Response

"uuid": "c99f9692429c",
"friendly_name": "ChocoF",
"kind": "store",
"partners_external_identifier": "POSKing-224",
"fleet_account_uuid": "e96043b3d8d6",