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Accounts - Update


This endpoint allows you to update given account.


PUT /v1/accounts/{account_uuid}

Request Values

webhooksobject Webhooksdetails for updating webhook urls
default_promised_delivery_minutesintegerThe default promised delivery minutes for this store45

Webhooks object

item_status_updated_statusesarray (string)array of item statuses that you want the webhook to trigger on: being_prepared, suggested or prepared. Statuses that aren't sent will be disabled.["being_prepared", "prepared"]
item_status_updated_urlstringwebhook url for item_status_updated. If not specify will rollback to default webhook url
order_preparation_updated_statusesarray (string)array of preparation statuses that you want the webhook to trigger on: being_prepared, suggested or prepared. Statuses that aren't sent will be disabled.["being_prepared"]
order_preparation_updated_urlstringwebhook url for order_preparation_updated. If not specify will rollback to default webhook url
order_kds_print_request_webhook_urlstringwebhook url for order_kds_print_request. If not specify will rollback to default webhook url
webhook_urlstringdefault webhook url

Example Request

PUT /v1/accounts/3584a197b5a9
"default_promised_delivery_minutes": 45,
"webhooks": {
"item_status_updated_statuses": ["being_prepared", "prepared"],
"item_status_updated_url": "",
"order_preparation_updated_statuses": ["being_prepared"],
"order_preparation_updated_url": "",
"order_kds_print_request_webhook_url": "",
"webhook_url": ""

Example Response

"default_promised_delivery_minutes": 30,
"webhook_settings": {
"webhook_url": "",
"order_kds_print_request_webhook_url": "",
"item_status_updated": {
"being_prepared": true,
"prepared": true,
"suggested": false,
"webhook_url": ""
"order_preparation_updated": {
"being_prepared": true,
"prepared": false,
"suggested": false,
"webhook_url": ""