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Orders - Retrieve All Dropoff ETAs


This endpoint allows you to list all order Dropoff ETAs for a given account for the current business day.


GET /v1/accounts/{account_uuid}/orders/dropoff_etas

Example Request

GET /v1/accounts/3584a197b5a9/orders/dropoff_etas


Response Values

Please see the example response documented below.

uuidstringdc5a9b859fb2A unique ID for the order
partners_unique_internal_order_idstringz133da1e912eA unique order ID, as passed in by you at the point of the order being created.
statusstring"created"The status of the order
dropoff_etainteger, unix timestamp1721274744The dropoff ETA in Unix timestamp format

Example Response

"uuid": "z133da1e912e",
"status": "created",
"partners_unique_internal_order_id": "partners_uuid_1",
"dropoff_eta": 1721274744
"uuid": "z1589f1a678d",
"status": "created",
"partners_unique_internal_order_id": "partners_uuid_2",
"dropoff_eta": 1721274760