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Orders - Models - Order

uuidnumberdc5a9b859fb2A unique ID for the order
created_atstring2020-09-08T13:13:28.110-03:00Timestamp when order was created
statusstringcreatedcreated or in_progress or being_prepared or prepared or cancelled
scheduled_forstring2020-09-09T13:13:28.110-03:00Timestamp when order is scheduled to be prepared
partners_unique_internal_order_idstringe03d91df0ecbA unique ID for the partner's order
kindstringdelivery, collection, walk_in, drive_thru, or thrid_party_deliveryIt must be either delivery order or collection (no job for driver)
special_instructionsstringnullany special instruction for the order like don't be late by maximum 10 mins
placed_at_timestring2020-09-09T12:13:28.110-03:00timestamp when order is marked as placed
store_order_reference_descriptionstring1234-56A reference of store description
tracking_linkstring link to track order status on web
notetextplease deliver as soon as possibleAny note for the order
estimated_preparation_timeinteger60Estimated preparation time for the order in minutes
promised_minutesinteger80Number of minutes it takes to finish an order
promised_time_atstring2020-09-08T13:14:48.110-03:00Timestamp when the order should be done
remake_orderbooleantrueWhether or not the order is remake order
remake_order_uuidstring8b7dde3454b2An order_uuid of existing order
payment_gateway_idstringch_1IaB23XYZa1AbCdEfGhIJK2Lunique identifier associated with the payment gateway used for processing transactions within the system