auto_prepare | boolean | true | This flag is used for automatically placing an order at a given time. ** if setting this to true you should set an estimated_preparation_start_time value true : order should be marked as 'being_prepared' automatically at given estimated_preparation_start_time. The order will be marked as prepared after the estimated_preparation_duration false: order should not be marked as being_prepared automatically. Order must ne manually put into a being_prepared state |
estimated_preparation_start_time | string | 2019-11-01T18:17:47.225Z | Timestamp when order preparation should start. ** This is required if you set auto_prepare to true This is when you estimate the order will start being prepared. Its an exact time and not a window. If auto_prepare is set to true then the order will automatically go into being_prepared at this time. DateTimes should be provided in UTC. ISO-8601 Format as follows: 2018-12-21T16:01:03-05:00 |
estimated_preparation_duration | integer | `15` for 15 minutes | The estimated maximum preparation duration for the order in minutes. |